About Us

Birth injury allegations of negligence can be accompanied by injury to any part of the body. You are looking for a malpractice attorney with a broad understanding of the different types of injuries that can occur in a medical setting. Many initial consultations focus on the facts of your case. Birth injury lawyers of MAC Birth Injury Law ask for the evidence and other relevant details of the event. You will also have the opportunity to ask about the strengths and weaknesses of the claim, the types of recoverable damage, and what can happen in the process.

Birth injury lawyers of MAC Birth Injury Law take pride in approaching each case as if it were our own and giving our clients direct and compassionate care. That’s we are considered as one of the law firms in birth injury cases. If you have been injured or lost a loved one through negligence or medical negligence, we want to help you recover financially and emotionally. If your baby is injured during birth, you don’t have to face the consequences yourself. Birth injury attorneys can help determine if negligence or medical negligence may have been the cause of your child’s injury and seek compensation to help you and your child move forward.